What Are the Top SEO Strategies?
February 22, 2023 •Devin Dabney

What Are the Top SEO Strategies?
It’s no secret that if you’re a company that relies on digital marketing, it pays to have a good SEO strategy. Staying atop search results is a goal sought by many, but attained by few—and not for the reasons one might think. Plenty of sources online offer digital marketing services, SEO tips and tricks, SEO marketing strategy examples, and even courses to take, so there is certainly no lack of information out there. Yet, companies still struggle to maintain relevance on search engine results pages (SERPs). And this is why: most SEO strategy advice out there is not good advice.
Digital companies harbor a healthy amount of distrust for most advice on SEO trends, and for good reason. Too many people out there promise silver bullets for topping search engines, or worse, quick fixes that work only in the short run. Make no mistake, actual progress in digital marketing does not happen at the flick of a wrist. Shortcuts like keyword stuffing, AI-generated content, and flooding the internet with low-quality content do not set you up for success; if anything, they guarantee imminent failure—particularly as Google continues updating its spam algorithms. That of course begs the question: if most of the advice is not useful, then what are the best SEO strategies? Well, at DemandJump we have compiled a list of what kind of SEO trends to look for in 2023, including techniques that will get you the traffic you want. While we fully believe we embody parts of this list, we also know there’s more than one way to market well. Let’s take a glance at what digital marketing can—and should—be.
4 Good SEO Strategies
As you’re crafting a solid strategy for digital marketing, there are many things you can focus on that increase your chances of success. Here are just a few starting points for you as you develop a plan:
1. Create High-Quality Content
This suggestion might seem like either a no-brainer or even an empty phrase, but we would argue that many miss the mark on what makes content “high-quality.” When we talk about high-quality content, we mean it needs to be three things:
- Original (providing a unique perspective or insight on a particular topic)
- Engaging (using language that speaks directly to the target audience, and encourages action)
- Helpful (offering information, resources, or advice that improves the reader’s life in some way)
Content that misses the mark is usually lacking one or more of the above traits. AI content is not original, and keyword stuffing is neither engaging or helpful. Your written content should leave a reader with something they didn’t have before engaging with your brand. Whether it’s a new piece of information, a new way of thinking about a familiar topic, or even something to discuss with coworkers, readers should get something out of what you’ve created.
2. Create Content for People
Always remember you are not writing for a search engine; you are writing for humans—humans that, if you do your job well, will continue to come back for more. Techniques like using keywords make it easier for your audience to find you, but again, remember the goal is to speak to your audience—not to the search engine. The search engine is part of how you reach people, but that’s all it is: a part of your journey to the end goal, which is your clients. Additionally, when you finally do reach your audience, you want to have something substantial to offer them—not regurgitation or low-quality content.
3. Respond To Trends (Authentically)
While it’s important to know what trends are hot on the internet, it’s far more important to know how your company’s vision fits into those trends. It’s not worth writing content to ride a wave of searches if that’s not going to further your authentic voice. As you’re doing research and finding out what searches are popular in your industry, the next question you should ask yourself is “What does this have to do with my brand? Where do we fit in?” Sometimes, the answer is “nowhere,” and that’s okay. Trust us, it’s better to find ways to authentically represent yourself than to just replicate whatever is trendy.
4. Link Your Content Together
Okay, so let’s say after some time planning and drafting, you emerge from the Batcave with some great content in hand: it’s original, authentic, and speaks to your customer base in the perfect voice. Does that mean you’re done?
Not quite.
The next step is to publish it in a way that will get you the most benefit out of your hard work. Part of that is posting it in batches, and with that, making sure your content creates a web around your chosen topics. This means that combined, all your pieces of content:
- Have several spots of overlap
- Approach the topics from different angles
- Link to other pieces of content you’ve published
Your content needs to reach as much of your audience as possible, in as many ways as possible, with many different ‘threads’ of other content attached to each individual piece. Not everyone who comes across your brand will be seeking the same things, asking the same questions, or have the same level of knowledge of your products. The content you make needs to be crafted with this in mind.
There are many other things we could say about creating good content, but doing just these four things will put you leagues above everyone else. That said, keep in mind that there is no perfect strategy for digital marketing. Even the best SEO techniques are not coverall solutions. But, with the right help—and tools—good SEO practices can generate incredible results.
(Demand)Jump Ahead of the Competition
If you’re looking for help developing an SEO marketing plan that will generate real results, look no further. Through our Pillar-Based Marketing (PBM) strategy, DemandJump helps businesses reach their audiences with high-quality content that is based on observable trends. We use PBM to augment the four strategies above (and others) with real-world search data—that is, what customers are actually looking for online. Our Consumer Insights Platform lets you see not only what your target audiences are Googling, but how you stack up in their searches compared to your competitors. From there, you can formulate a logical, strategic approach to content creation that is both original and responsive to objective data.
With DemandJump, you’ll create a web of content that is in direct response to what people are searching for, meaning when they ask questions, your company will be the answer. Create an account with us today, and see for yourself!
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