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DemandJump's SEO content strategy tool has automated the time-consuming task of keyword research and content planning. You will know exactly what content to create to establish authority on a given topic. See just how easy it can be!

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Choose Your Topic

Connect with your audience by covering the topics they care about the most.

Insight Report Dashboard Graphic



Map Out Your Strategy

Plan out a network of interlinked blogs that answer related questions and help each
other rank.

Pillar Strategy Dashboard Graphic



See Your Results

Write and publish content that helps people, and watch your rankings go up!

Graph of Increased Rankings


Ready To Create Content That Ranks?

Find topics and outlines catered to your business.

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10 Step Content SEO Strategy

If you haven’t heard, outbound marketing is getting old. As seasoned strategists, specialists, content creators, and marketers might know, standard advertising like forcing ad pop-ups, cold calling or emailing, and spamming are an outdated practice that often drives customers away. No one really wants to see an ad for something random—especially when they didn’t go looking for it.

Inbound marketing is the new preferred method that only provides your audience with information they were already hoping to find. This is where content marketing comes in: your new favorite SEO content tool when constructing a plan to skyrocket your business! Content marketing is an important subset of the inbound methodology that every business should swear by in 2023.

If you’re ready to delve into all the ways content and SEO hold hands while frolicking through Google’s search engine results page (SERP), let’s get right into it!

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What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is creating, publishing, distributing, and sharing different forms of content to reach and engage an audience. Through proper content marketing, you’ll raise awareness, loyalty, and sales for your business along the way. Simply put, content marketing helps with brand building through the practice of creating things!

But what exactly are these “things” you’re creating? They can be anything including:

  • Apps that allow customers to get hands-on with your business
  • Blog posts on topics your brand specializes in
  • Case Studies showing your product or service in action, and how successful your clients are
  • Infographics of important data about your business
  • Memes that make your brand stand out with more approachability and relatability
  • Podcasts to converse with your team members about topics your target audience might like
  • Live streaming websites like Twitch and Periscope to interact with your audience
  • Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. to keep your audience in the know

A content marketing strategy includes any of the materials listed above to help increase your brand trustworthiness and positive customer interactions. Hopefully, you’re also showcasing these customer success stories somewhere on your website!

Your main goal with content is to boost customer engagement for your business. And for digital marketing specifically, that often means educating your audience about a topic they already showed interest in! With that being said, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to content strategies. Now that you get the gist of content marketing as a whole, let’s come up with a game plan utilizing this newfound information!

Does Content Marketing Include SEO?

Yes, SEO and content marketing go together like honey on toast. Not only that, but it’s kind of hard to form a good content marketing strategy without SEO! SEO for content marketing should be part of the strategizing stage of your overall plan. When optimizing the pages on your company’s website, SEO becomes an integral part of this procedure.

So, how do you get the two to work together? Utilize an SEO marketing strategy that complements the content you want your audience to see. Not sure what content strategy will be most successful for your business? What better time to discuss Pillar-Based Marketing (PBM) than now?


Why Is Pillar-Based Marketing a Successful Content and SEO Strategy?

Pillar-Based Marketing (or PBM) is an innovative approach to effective content marketing—and SEO is the major foundation that it stands upon! Acting as a parallel to how consumers organically navigate search engines, PBM helps you make a stronger connection to your target audience. Consisting of a Pillar Page, Sub-Pillar pages, Supporting Blogs, calls to action (CTAs), and content promotion, PBM produces a blueprint for your specialized topics with corresponding keywords, phrases, and questions!

How Does SEO Work with Content?

Content and SEO work together to create a marketing strategy that helps you reach your audience quicker—all while standing out against your potential competitors. Similar to how it works inside PBM (as we mentioned above), SEO and all of its corresponding tools and techniques are essential pieces to the puzzle when aiming to reach your future customers. Of course, not every strategy is created equal when pairing SEO with content marketing. The success levels within each plan can and will vary depending on the latest trends involving optimization altogether. Let’s consider what some of these trends might be in 2023!

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What are the New SEO Trends for 2023? And How Will They Impact Your Content Strategy?

Artificial intelligence (AI), backlinks, local SEO, organic traffic, and search intent are a few of the 2023 SEO trends that can greatly affect and impact your current content strategy. Here’s how you can move forward with your plans accordingly:

  • AI features in SEO: Google recently unveiled a new AI tool in their search engines, affecting overall search results. How can you navigate with your content marketing strategy while keeping this new trend in mind? It’s important to recognize and accept that now there will be even more commotion to compete with on the SERP. For now, you should focus on your results data (while not relying too heavily on third-party resources). It’s also helpful to keep in mind that AI isn’t outperforming human beings. As a matter of fact, human beings are finding ways to make AI work for them and their potential plans!
  • Aim for more than just “Position One”: The first position on the SERP is not the sole significant aspect of SEO. Especially with the recent creation of the “endless scroll” which allows you to speed through multiple pages worth of search results without hitting a “Next” button. Spend some time looking at other things like clickthrough rate (CTR) within search results. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your meta descriptions and titles. Also, be sure to implement different forms of content outside of the standard blog posts such as visual content like images and videos.
  • Don’t forget about hyperlinks: As Google makes efforts to move away from backlinks, focus on hyperlinks instead. Not too long ago, Google added an extra “E” for Experience to their initial E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) quality rater guidelines. This is important because hyperlinks can serve as “trustworthy” and “authoritative” references similar to citations within your company’s website.
  • Organic traffic still outshines paid ads: According to Forbes, less and less companies are considering paid advertising in their budget and putting more energy into organically making it onto page one. It’s better to focus on organic traffic over-paying for ad placements on the SERP. You don’t want to incorporate extra costs that are ultimately unnecessary into your overall marketing budget and strategy.
  • Pay closer attention to search intent: Google’s algorithms used for search request evaluation are becoming increasingly complex. When you google a term or phrase in the search engine, the corresponding results will depend on the related terms, search intent, and semantics. It’s time to step away from outdated SEO strategies that spend more time compiling a specific set of keywords to use as often as possible—and consider the intent of the search above all else. With DemandJump, you can’t better align your content strategy with search intent using our platform!

What Are SEO Content Strategies?

Content strategies of SEO simply refer to the various marketing plans that utilize SEO to increase traffic to the company’s website. An SEO strategy organizes your webpage’s content by topic, improving the frequency in appearance on the SERP. A company should choose their SEO content strategy based on the following factors:

  • Raising organic search traffic
  • Optimizing your audience’s experience on your website
  • Offering helpful information in a unique and creative way
  • Promoting what your brand offers directly on your website
  • Keeping browsers on your website longer—and returning more often
  • Improving meaningful traffic to your website to enhance conversion rate optimization (CRO)

What Makes a Good SEO Strategy?

A good SEO strategy in digital marketing always includes the foundational elements of optimization such as keyword research, indexing, mobile-friendly SEO, user intent, and much more. Above all else, if you want your plan to work the way you intended, you have to incorporate SEO best practices when plotting your marketing strategy.

To make it even simpler, a good SEO strategy focuses on producing and displaying helpful and original content that builds your target audience. On the other hand, a bad SEO strategy spends far too much time tracking on-page SEO (meaning keywords) and not enough time on the technical aspects like the crawl rate, domain age or authority, formatting of the text, and word count just to name a few. Luckily, DemandJump’s Pillar-Based Marketing strategy is not only good, it’s also proven to succeed. See for yourself!

So, what can you do to make yourself feel more secure in the SEO content marketing strategy you’re creating? Write out the most important steps you need to take along the path!

What Are the 10 Steps of a Content Marketing Strategy that Incorporate SEO?

Setting your goals, finding your target audience, and optimizing your content for the search engine results page (SERP) are just a few of the steps you’ll need to take when crafting your content with an SEO marketing strategy. There are a number of ways you could go about producing your perfect plan, but we’ve constructed a list of the ten most valuable steps to keep in mind while you build your blueprint.

As we get into the nitty-gritty, we’ll discuss making marketing goals, finding your target audience (TA), doing keyword research, producing a topics list, planning forms of content to include, constructing a content calendar, fully optimizing and integrating your content, good advertising techniques, and finally, tracking the results. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s jump in!

1. Set Your Marketing Goals for Content Creation

Many content marketing specialists will tell you that your first step should be to establish a target audience. But how will you know where to look for your customers if you haven’t fleshed out the reasons for creating and marketing your content? Your initial step should be to plan your goals and your intentions. Once you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve in your business (and what your specialties are), it’ll be much easier to find your intended audience. Plus, laying out all your main objectives now will greatly increase your product-market fit!

2. Find and Familiarize Yourself with Your Target Audience

The target audience is the group of potential customers who are already interested in the topics that you specialize in. Let’s say your products focus on outdoor equipment and a potential consumer wants to purchase a trampoline for their backyard. This customer fits into your specific target audience! They’ll be searching for more information online about backyard trampolines, which makes your company’s webpage a good place for them to learn more about that product—if you know what questions they’re asking.

3. Do Keyword Research

Keywords are a crucial component that aim to make reaching your audience much quicker. The first two steps help you establish marketing positioning—a method that touches on the exact placement you want your product or brand to hold within a specific target market. Now you can begin researching keywords based on the demand for your products similar to the want you wish to market!

4. Create a List of Topics Based On Your Keyword Research

Once you’ve selected your keywords (perhaps with the help of DemandJump’s PBM platform), put together a list of topics that really highlight what your brand, product, or service can do for your inquiring audience. Using the Pillar strategy is a great way to tackle your topics list and DemandJump has just the tool to help you generate keywords, content briefs, search rankings, and more!

5. Plan Out The Different Content Formats You Want To Include

After creating a list of topics using the keywords you selected, you can start mapping out the different forms of content you would like to incorporate into your website. For example, written content is always a good starting point to follow the PBM strategy through the creation of Pillar Pages, Sub-Pillars, and Supporting Blogs. You could also integrate visual content like images and videos that display the capabilities of your product or service.

6. Build a Content Calendar To Schedule Your Posts

Come up with a schedule for your most important posts and content so you’re not scrambling at the last second. This will also help you keep your website organized, making it easier for potential customers to navigate and ultimately encouraging them to revisit later on!

7. Completely Optimize Your Content for SERPs

In a nutshell, this is the step where you’ll be using SEO best practices to get your content on page one of SERPs. Looking back at the keyword research you did and the topics list you created, it’s time to optimize your content to ensure that you reach the largest audience possible with your work! Make sure that you:

  • Select quality keywords (in a not-so-overwhelming quantity)
  • Add the meta titles and descriptions
  • Hyperlink both internally and externally when necessary

8. Start Creating and Integrating Your Various Forms of Content

Now that your keywords are chosen, your forms of content mapped out, your calendar curated to guide you on when you should post each piece, and everything is optimized for the SERP, it’s time to start producing your uniquely crafted content and adding it to your company’s website! Remember, there’s no shame in admitting if content creation isn’t your specialty. We at DemandJump can guide you through the process to make sure you succeed with the ideal content marketing strategy!

9. Promote Your Content To Your Established Target Audience

Once you feel comfortable with the amount of content available on your website, you’ll want to start advertising some of it to expedite the process of reaching your target audience. One of the best ways to promote content is by creating social media pages for your brand and your company. Highlight your product or service, and confidently express why it outperforms your competitors’ products and services.

10. Track Your Results and Make Changes Where Necessary

After some time passes (weeks or preferably months) keep an eye on the results data to see how your webpage is performing. Your individual blog posts as well as your social media accounts should be included in your overall tracking efforts. Gathering any valuable data you found regarding organic searches, links, etc. will help you identify where you should make adjustments. And with DemandJump’s content auditing services, we can even track the traffic for specific keywords if you so request it!

This list may seem extensive now, but the results are undeniable once you get comfortable with your carefully crafted SEO content marketing strategy! If you’re still feeling iffy about your plan to create the perfect content strategy for your business, check out DemandJump’s free template for even more guidance.

How Do I Get Started in Creating a Successful SEO Content Strategy? With DemandJump!

Pillar-Based Marketing is the future and DemandJump has the keys to the DeLorean! Crafting an SEO content marketing strategy successfully can be tough when you’re not sure what to expect. Luckily, we can help you remove the guesswork with a modern marketing plan that outperforms its established opponents. If you’re ready to learn how and why PBM is the right strategy for your company, head to our latest knowledge-sharing platform DemandJump University

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